2024-25 Branch meetings usually take place September through June unless specified below.
If you have any questions about the events listed below, please contact us at ChicagoAAUW@hotmail.com.
Sept 28 | What: AAUW Table TalksSaturday, September 28th at 10:30am 714 W. Sheridan Rd, 1 E.Area street parking, spot hero, and area parking lots RSVP: To chicagoaauw@hotmail.com or call/text Lori Switzer 773 230 1063 |
October 3 |
Latina Equal Pay Day – Research → Action → Impact: Leveraging Data to Close the Wage Gap for Latinas12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. CT https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_53dsg-m6SwisEdnJ4s9grw#/registration |
October 5 | AAUW-IL Fall Conference via zoom 9:00am – 11:00am https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsfumrpjIuG9UDZuChPHI1RvqZyP32X7d1#/registration |
October 25 |
Day of The Dead Tour at the National Museum for Mexican Art in Pisen Tour at 2:00pm Cost $10- a person lunch with members at noon. RSVP: chicagoaauw@hotmail.com |
November 5 |
November 9 |
Meet the Fellows and Grantees 10:30 am via zoom After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Co-hosted by the Jane Addams Branch https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtdu6trj8sHdYgTPDelLiIiJQyRx1zDteF |
December 10 | Jane Addams Day in Illinois |
January 28
February 8 |
Navigating Your Retirement Journey: Key Strategies Sage Financial Group – Speakers Kris Wano and Christina Castrejon Please RSVP to chicagoaauw@hotmail.com for ZOOM LINK by Jan. 27th
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 6:30pm https://www.sageprivatewealth.com/
Branch Outing to DuSable Museum 11:30am private tour cost $10 per person Optional lunch after the outing, Tour will last one hour RSVP to chicagoaauw@hotmail.com |
March 8
April 8 March |
International Women’s Day
National Equal Pay Day
April 26-27 | AAUW-IL State Convention Springfield |
May | |
June | |